In-Depth Financial Investigation Techniques to Unravel Complex Financial and Accounting Transactions
Do you need a Forensic Accountant who can see what you may not be able to piece together? Are you concerned about misappropriation from your business? Jones Partners have an expert team of forensic accountants who see beyond financial records. We have developed a significant expertise for in-depth investigation and examination techniques which enables us to provide forensic accounting services across a broad spectrum of areas.
The nature of many forensic assignments requires the kinds of analytical skills undertaken in complex insolvency administrations. We have the necessary knowledge and ability to understand and unravel the complicated financial and accounting transactions.
We can help you with:
- Asset and fund tracing investigations in pre-insolvency appointment, including employee and corporate fraud
- Solvency reports
- Reconstruction of financial and accounting records and other business information that have been fraudulently destroyed or otherwise lost
- Valuation of business structures required in shareholder disputes or in succession planning / divestment strategies
Why we are trusted by clients
We take the time
to listen
We listen first and then act. Helping you is our first priority.
Helping you regain control
Control of your finances, your business and your life.
A client focused approach to Insolvency
Our role is to earn your trust and so you know you have someone on your side.